Circle of Reciprocity

Circle of Reciprocity

Oct 01
Porter House KC
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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Come share this unique and amazing experience as HEMP, and The Porter House KC (PHKC) lead the Circle of Reciprocity. It will aid networking, provide solutions to your business needs, and open your eyes to the assets available to you within HEMP and The Porter House KC! 


The Circle of Reciprocity is a unique learning technology that produces measurable business results and builds community. It creates connections and instills the practice of reciprocity within groups and across boundaries.


Participants have actual business needs met during the exercise.


  • The Circle of Reciprocity emphasizes the importance of contribution. Participants learn the power and practice of reciprocity by meeting their needs while focusing on contributing to others.


  • We ask that each participant come to this event with two needs in mind. 


o    Example 1 – I am looking for some help in marketing my business, specifically through social media. The other participants will give their contact info or someone else’s info if they can help in any way. 


o    Example 2 – I am traveling on a family vacation to Italy and looking for places to visit or stay. The other participants will give their contact information if they can help provide information.


  • Please bring ten business cards to have ready to hand out to people that you are able to help. Otherwise, we will provide sticky notes; you can write your information down in legible handwriting.


  • The Circle of Reciprocity is reliable and proven. It always works and produces the intended outcomes. We have used it hundreds of times with executives, managers, and professionals in many different types of companies, industries, and locations around the world. 


  • Reciprocity is a form of cooperation that involves the exchange of resources between two or more people. These resources include knowledge, information, ideas, advice, help, assistance, opportunities, contacts, material goods, services, financial capital, and even emotional support and goodwill (Adler and Kwon 2002).


To learn more about The Porter House KC, click here.

Who's invited: Mentees, Mentors, Counselors, Fellows
Location: 811 East 31st Street Kansas City, MO 64109
RSVP by Tuesday, September 24, 2024